
 Serge Lutens. A perfume brand I'll never get divorced from. And it's not only because in 2006 it took my hand and introduced me to what niche was at the time and flipped my known world upside-down, SL was my first love for wearable artistic perfumery that created an unforgettable olfactive experience (for me) and raised the bar very high for the ones to follow. 

Christopher Sheldrake and Serge Lutens broke the mold when they decided to pair up and create this universe that offers and derails us from our tracks with their intricate and unique range of fragrances. People are drawn in by any launch of the 23 yo brand even nowadays, when it's extremely hard to navigate the sea of new releases. Both, vision and compositions, enrapture. They make even simple be fun and exciting.

I've known and loved lots of ambers over the (many) years, yet Ambre Sultan will always stand as "THE ONE". This is not a lazy affair or a non-committed relationship, it's a robust and solid union. Sheldrake's experience and unique point of view of perfume creation has always made me believe that i am led in the right direction, even though i might not be completely sure of where i want to go. His narrative, rendered to fragrance, communicates with my being. Ambre Sultan offers a glimpse into Sheldrake's remarkable work (from my humble point of view). If I had to choose only one word to describe Ambre Sultan's fragrance, that would be "Shaman". I imagine a healer would smell like this when reaching out of our world for interaction. His hair, slightly smoky, is impregnated by the sweet scent of resins. His fingers are stained by medicinal plants and his breath, exudes of burned sugar.


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