
 After you go to bed every night of your summer vacations with the jasmine's awakening glued to your nose, you kinda develop a small obsession into finding a fragrance to live up to its unfiltered scent. And i wanted to gather them all, to compare, discover and to slowly learn to embrace all of their facets. Jasmine is not a flower universally loved by everyone. The dirty character it displays during its mature stages hides a raw and cruel beauty that often people don't have the patience to seek for or they simply don't enjoy the ride to. 

Alter by Sammarco Perfumes stationed in my mind ever since i put my nose on the bits of skin its scent was expanding on. Giovanni knows how to compose. Every fragrance in his line is cursive, explorative, surprising and different from what I've ever smelled before. Although many of the jasmine centered fragrances i indulged into have a similar aura, it was Alter that took me to that place I haven't been in a long time and where i once belonged to. A place my conscience kept in hibernation until Alter set it back into motion. My night blooming jasmine. The simplicity of Alter's composition is written in words a complex fragrance wouldn't understand. The support the other ingredients give to jasmine is gravitational and offers the balance, without blurring it or stepping over. Rose, woods, indols and incense, all play their backup part perfectly, planting the concrete for the jasmine to be built over. And what a wonderful journey they offer!


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