Fil Rouge

 Fil Rouge by Soul Couture is a mature fragrance that doesn't need to pretend to be something that it isn't, it has never known the confusion of who one is at a young age and who they are expected to be. It doesn't need bling-bling nor golden cages for the simple fact it comes with a personality of its own. It went for tasteful instead. 

 It's one of those rarities that i personally perceive as an EPI against the bad perfume-viruses spread on the market nowadays. It doesn't stir any trip down my memory lane, so I don't feel a special attachment towards it emotionally-wise, i happily trade those for the pure excitement of encountering a great perfume in terms of composition that tickles my intellect. 

 Fil Rouge is one foot in the past and another in the present. Violets in perfumery (aka ionones) hold within themselves an old days feeling, being often perceived as melancholic and romantic due to their sweet-powdery-floral soft scent, nonetheless Marin managed to maintain young their innocence by trapping it inside dry woods and warm resins and creating a brilliant cinematography for their true colors to develop. 

 Fil Rouge blooms into a beautiful presence and steals the show around. I live my life very closely to it whenever I'm wearing it, naturally entangled to its story.

To the bad mouths saying it smells like an old lady, i say: you wish you had such glamour to wear it, go home and learn how to tie your shoe-laces!


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