Sova de Slumberhouse - ¿Un recuerdo perdido?, reflexiones
Sova es el
arquitecto que diseñó el puente mágico
que me lleva de vuelta a mi infancia y que recrea nota con nota aquellos maravillosos años.
Sova de
Slumberhouse es el vivo recuerdo del olor de nuestra casa de campo, más preciso del
sótano de nuestra casa de campo que era como una bodega sobre tierra. A mi abuelo le apasionaba la apicultura y todo lo que tenia que ver con el mundo de las abejas, y como mi adoración por el no conocia limites estaba simpre detrás de el. Así que desde pequeña le solía ayudar mucho en estas labores,
sobre todo cuando se cambiaban los marcos cargados de miel con otros nuevos,
para luego sacar y guardar este maravilloso oro líquido en garrafas grandes de
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en el sótano donde se guardaban todos los marcos de cera tanto los usados como
los nuevos, los botes de vidrio y la gararafas llenas de miel, nuestro propio vino y las sobras de uvas
usadas posteriormente para la preparación de una bebida alcohólica muy
fuerte. Mi
abuelo solía colgar en las paredes de la bodega hojas grandes de tabaco seco contra las
polillas y por mucho que luchabamos en contra, era imposible mantener a
los ratones fuera de allí. Así que cuando alguien entraba en este espacio estaba rodeado de una niebla
de olores
inusuales: animálico, cera de abejas, hierba verde, tabaco, polvo. Puede
sonar muy extraño, pero este es el olor de Sova y eso es lo
que lo hace único, al menos para mi, y diferente a todo lo que hay en el mercado actualmente.
es el maravilloso olor de mi infancia, de grandes recuerdos con una de las
personas más importantes en mi vida - mi querido abuelo, el olor de la libertad, de la inocencia de aquellos años y de una bodega de tierra, encapsulado en lo más profundo de mi corazón y la mente.
Gracias a la generosidad de un perfumamigo hoy estoy cruzando de nuevo este puente hacia mi infancia con Sova de Slumberhouse, una fragancia descatalogada por desgracia.
Gracias a la generosidad de un perfumamigo hoy estoy cruzando de nuevo este puente hacia mi infancia con Sova de Slumberhouse, una fragancia descatalogada por desgracia.
Notas: brotes de álamo, haba tonka, heno, vainilla,
castóreo, ámbar, escoba, cera de abejas, algarrobo negro, melilot o trébol
dulce y lúpulo (foto y notas:
Sova by Slumberhouse - Lost memories?
Sova it's the architect who designed the magic bridge that brings me back to my childhood and recreates note by note its sweet memories.
Sova by Slumberhouse reminds me of the smell of our country house basement, it was more like a ground cellar actually.
My grandfather was a beekeeper and I used to help him a lot with the bees, especially changing the beeswax frames when were charged with honey with new ones and then removing the sweet golden liquid from it for later keeping it in these big aluminium containers.
It was in the basement where we used to keep all the beeswax frames, the used and the new ones, the aluminium containers and the bell jars full of honey, our own wine and the grapes leftovers from the wine used later for preparing this strong alcoholic drink. My grandfather used to hang on the walls some big, green and dry, tobacco leaves because of the moths and as hard we used to fight against it was impossible to keep the mice out of there. So when entered into this space you were surrounded by a fog of all this unusually smells: animalic, beeswax, sweet greenery, tobacco, dirt. It may sound really weird, but this is what Sova smells like, at least for me it does, and that's what makes it unique and unlike anything else out there. This is the wonderful smell of my childhood, of great memories with one of the most significant people in my life - my beloved grandfather, the smell of freedom and innocence and of a ground cellar locked in the deepest of my heart and mind.
Thanks to the generosity of a fraghead friend today I'm crossing again this magic bridge with the now discontinued Sova by Slumberhouse. Notes: poplar buds, tonka bean, hay, vanilla, castoreum, amber, broom, beeswax, black locust, melilot or sweet clover and hops (photo and notes:
Sova by Slumberhouse - Lost memories?
Sova it's the architect who designed the magic bridge that brings me back to my childhood and recreates note by note its sweet memories.
Sova by Slumberhouse reminds me of the smell of our country house basement, it was more like a ground cellar actually.
My grandfather was a beekeeper and I used to help him a lot with the bees, especially changing the beeswax frames when were charged with honey with new ones and then removing the sweet golden liquid from it for later keeping it in these big aluminium containers.
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It was in the basement where we used to keep all the beeswax frames, the used and the new ones, the aluminium containers and the bell jars full of honey, our own wine and the grapes leftovers from the wine used later for preparing this strong alcoholic drink. My grandfather used to hang on the walls some big, green and dry, tobacco leaves because of the moths and as hard we used to fight against it was impossible to keep the mice out of there. So when entered into this space you were surrounded by a fog of all this unusually smells: animalic, beeswax, sweet greenery, tobacco, dirt. It may sound really weird, but this is what Sova smells like, at least for me it does, and that's what makes it unique and unlike anything else out there. This is the wonderful smell of my childhood, of great memories with one of the most significant people in my life - my beloved grandfather, the smell of freedom and innocence and of a ground cellar locked in the deepest of my heart and mind.
Thanks to the generosity of a fraghead friend today I'm crossing again this magic bridge with the now discontinued Sova by Slumberhouse. Notes: poplar buds, tonka bean, hay, vanilla, castoreum, amber, broom, beeswax, black locust, melilot or sweet clover and hops (photo and notes:
Que bonita Como has descrito tu infancia y el amor por tu abuelo , y como la comparas con el perfume !! Me ha encantado leerla !!
ResponderEliminarUn placer, Guady!